Using Your Computer to Update Software

To update the software using your local computer, follow these steps:

  1. First, you need to save the latest software update file to your computer. KVH-certified technicians can download this file from the KVH Partner Portal. Customers can get this file from KVH Technical Support (see Contacting KVH Technical Support).

  2. Connect your computer to the ICM’s network.

  3. At the TracPhone V11-IP web interface, click the Updates tab.

  4. If a Choose File button appears under Update Using this Computer, click Choose File then log in with the Administrator password.

  5. Under Update Using this Computer, click Browse.

  6. Navigate to and select the update file (it has a .kvh extension) saved on your computer.

  7. Click Check File.

  8. At the confirmation message, click Update.

Updating Software Using Your Computer
