
The dashboard is a custom reference page in KVH Manager that you build by adding and organizing widgets. If you have access to a fleet of terminals, this page allows you to check key information from all of them at a glance.

The following widgets are currently available:

  • Data Usage - Shows the current month's data usage (see Data Usage)
  • Application Reporting - Shows the current month's Application Reporting graph, which breaks down VSAT data usage by application type (see Application Reporting)
  • Usage Timeline - Shows the Usage Timeline graph for the past 24 hours (see Usage Timeline)

Adding a Widget

To add a widget to the dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. If you have access to multiple terminals, select the desired terminal in KVH Manager.
  2. Go to the page that includes the information you want to add to the dashboard.
  3. Select Add to dashboard from the menu in the upper-right corner of the page. If the menu item is not present, a widget is not available for that page.

Add to Dashboard Menu Item

Add to Dashboard Menu Item

Removing a Widget

To remove a widget from the dashboard, select Remove widget from the menu in the upper-right corner.

Remove Widget Menu Item

Remove Widget Menu Item

Arranging Widgets

To move a widget, click the arrows button and drag it to the desired location. To resize a widget, click and drag from the bottom-right corner.

Move Widget Icon

Move Widget Icon

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