Status Information

On the system's web interface, you can view status information on the Home and Support pages.

Home Page of the Web Interface

The Home page provides basic system status information.

WAN Connection

Each WAN connection tab includes an icon indicating its general status (identical to the icons on the BDU Touchscreen):

Each WAN connection tab includes an icon indicating its general status:

State Connection Status
VSAT Cell Wi-Fi
Currently in use
Available, but not currently in use
Not available; disconnected, deactivated, or no Internet access

Note: By default, the system automatically switches to the best available WAN connection. You can also manually switch. See WAN Selection.

The following additional icons apply if you have an optional external gateway connected to the system for use as an alternate or backup connection:

State Connection Status
Alternate Backup
Currently in use
Available, but not currently in use
Not available; disconnected, deactivated, or no Internet access

Note: By default, the system will automatically use the alternate WAN connection whenever it is available and will use the backup WAN connection only when no other WAN connections are available. You can also manually switch. See WAN Selection.


Message Description

Connection Status Icon

Service Status

General status of the VSAT WAN connection:
  • Online – Connected to the VSAT service; the system is ready for use
  • Offline – Not connected to the VSAT service
  • No Internet – Connected to the VSAT service, but unable to pass Internet traffic
  • Disabled
SNR Quality of the received satellite signal; SNR = Ratio of signal level to background noise in decibels

No-Transmit Zones Icon

No-Transmit Zones

Status of the no-transmit zones:
  • TX Enabled – One or two no-transmit zones have been set up, but antenna is not pointing within a zone
  • TX Disabled – One or two no-transmit zones have been set up and are currently being enforced; the antenna is prohibited from transmitting
  • Ignore – One or two no-transmit zones have been set up, but they are currently being ignored; the antenna can transmit in any direction without restriction
  • No Zones – Zones have not been set up yet

Antenna Status Icon


General status of the antenna:
  • Tracking
  • Initializing
  • Searching
  • Waiting for Modem
  • Idle
  • Error
  • No XMT Zone – Antenna is pointing within an enabled no-transmit zone

 Satellite Icon


Satellite name and orbital slot (longitude) that the VSAT modem has currently selected for tracking

Beam Icon


Beam of the tracked satellite that the antenna is currently using


Message Description

Connection Status Icon

Service Status

General status of the cellular WAN connection (more solid blue bars = better connection):
  • Online – Connected to the cellular service; ready for use
  • Offline – Not connected to the cellular service
  • No Internet – Connected to the cellular service, but unable to pass Internet traffic
  • Disabled

No-Transmit Zones Icon


Carrier providing the cellular network connection

Antenna Status Icon


Generation of cellular technology in use by the current cellular network:
  • 5G
  • LTE (4G)
  • UMTS (3G)

 Satellite Icon

SIM Card

SIM card currently in use for cellular service; also indicates its current status:
  • Solid green – Active
  • Green outline – Available
  • Gray outline – Inactive
  • Gray outline with red X – Disabled


Message Description

Connection Status Icon

Service Status

General status of the shore Wi-Fi WAN connection (more solid blue bars = better connection):
  • Online – Connected to the shore Wi-Fi; ready for use
  • Offline – Not connected to the shore Wi-Fi
  • No Internet – Connected to the shore Wi-Fi, but unable to pass Internet traffic
  • Disabled

No-Transmit Zones Icon


SSID (network name) of the currently selected shore Wi-Fi network

Antenna Status Icon


Security mode of the currently selected shore Wi-Fi network:
  • WPA2
  • WPA3


Message Description

Alternate - Port 4

General status of the alternate WAN connection (if connected to the designated port):
  • Online – Connected to the alternate WAN; ready for use
  • Offline – Not connected to the alternate WAN
  • No Internet – Connected to the alternate WAN, but unable to pass Internet traffic
  • Deactivated


Message Description

Backup - Port 3

General status of the backup WAN connection (if connected to the designated port):
  • Online – Connected to the backup WAN; ready for use
  • Offline – Not connected to the backup WAN
  • No Internet – Connected to the backup WAN, but unable to pass Internet traffic
  • Deactivated

Phone Line

Message Description
Voice Status General status of the system’s connection to the VSAT enhanced voice service:
  • Online – the voice service is ready for use
  • Offline
  • Logging In...
  • Unable to Connect – Caused by an account or activation error; also displayed during system startup
Line 1 General status of the phone line:
  • Available – the phone line is ready for use
  • Dialing
  • Off Hook
  • Ringing
  • In Use – Phone call in progress
  • Unavailable
Line 2 General status of the second phone line, if enabled

Real-time Vessel & Satellite Display

The Home page also displays the vessel’s GPS position and true heading and provides a graphical representation of the antenna’s pointing direction relative to the bow of the vessel.

IMPORTANT! If true heading is not displayed (shows "No Heading Available" instead), the antenna system does not have a valid connection to the vessel’s NMEA device.

Real-time Vessel and VSAT Satellite Display


The Messages block displays any important announcements from the Network Operations Center, such as notifications of service outages. It will also display any active error or warning messages (see Error and Warning Messages).

Support Page of the Web Interface

The Support page provides more detailed system VSAT status information.

General Statistics

Message Description
Management IP The built-in VSAT modem’s external satellite IP address; its identity on the mini-VSAT BroadbandKVH ONE network
Latitude and Longitude Vessel position reported by the GPS
VSAT Modem State Status of the VSAT modem's network connection:
  • In Network – Normal bidirectional network operation; fully logged in
  • In Acquisition – Intermediate state
  • Waiting for Acquisition – Intermediate state
  • Detected – Intermediate state
  • Waiting for RX Lock – Satellite is not acquired
  • RX Only – For example: when in multicast mode
  • Wrong Network – Not configured/authorized for network
  • Recovery Stack - (reason) – Cannot enter network due to reason provided
Last Login Date/time of the last successful login to the network

RX Statistics

Message Description
FL State State of the forward link; should be “Locked” while the modem is logged in
FL Carrier Current satellite’s forward link modulation, symbol rate (kilo-symbols/sec), and code rate
Composite Power Measure in dBm of raw satellite signal received at the modem; typical range is -30 to -60 dBm

TX Statistics

Message Description
RL State State of the return link:
  • Enabled – Return link is tracking the satellite
  • Disabled – Return link is pointing within an enabled no-transmit zone
RL Carrier Current satellite’s return link modulation, symbol rate (in kilo-symbols/sec), and code rate
Power The instantaneous transmit power in dBm that the modem is using at the moment
Initial Power The transmit power in dBm that the modem uses when starting the network login process
Max Power The maximum power in dBm that the modem will use (calculated and stored in the modem when the P1dB test is performed at the factory)

Position Backup Source

Note: This section shows the backup position data provided by whichever NMEA source(s) is currently connected to the BDU – NMEA 0183 and/or NMEA 2000.

Message Description
State State of the backup GPS:
  • Acquired – Connected, has a valid fix
  • Acquiring – Connected, does not have a valid fix
  • Not Connected
Latitude and
Latitude and longitude reported by the backup GPS, if connected with a valid fix


Message Description
BDU Voltage level in VDC at the BDU's Antenna connector (power supplied to the antenna).
Antenna Voltage level in VDC at the antenna's cable connector (power from BDU minus cable loss).


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